This function registers a new dataseries of both, geometries or areal data into the geospatial database. This contains the name and relevant meta-data of a dataseries to enable provenance tracking and reproducability.
name = NULL,
description = NULL,
homepage = NULL,
version = NULL,
licence_link = NULL,
notes = NULL,
overwrite = FALSE
the dataseries abbreviation or name.
the "long name" or "brief
description" of the dataseries.
the homepage of the data provider
where the dataseries or additional information can be found.
the version number or date when meta
data of the dataseries were recorded.
link to the licence or the
webpage from which the licence was copied.
optional notes.
whether or not the dataseries to
register shall overwrite a potentially already existing older version.
Returns a tibble of the new entry that is appended to 'inv_dataseries.csv'.
Other register functions:
# start the example database
adb_exampleDB(until = "match_gazetteer", path = tempdir())
regDataseries(name = "gadm",
description = "Database of Global Administrative Areas",
version = "3.6",
homepage = "",
licence_link = "")