This function registers a new areal data table into the geospatial database.
subset = NULL,
dSeries = NULL,
gSeries = NULL,
label = NULL,
begin = NULL,
end = NULL,
schema = NULL,
archive = NULL,
archiveLink = NULL,
downloadDate = NULL,
updateFrequency = NULL,
metadataLink = NULL,
metadataPath = NULL,
notes = NULL,
diagnose = FALSE,
overwrite = FALSE
name and value of the topmost unit under
which the table shall be registered. The name of this must be a class of
the gazetteer and the value must be one of the territory names of that
class, e.g. nation = "Estonia".
optional argument to specify which
subset the file contains. This could be a subset of territorial units (e.g.
only one municipality) or of a target variable.
the dataseries of the areal data (see
optionally, the dataseries of the
geometries, if the geometry dataseries deviates from the dataseries of the
areal data (see regDataseries
the label in the onology this geometry
should correspond to.
the date from which on the data are
the date until which the data are valid.
the schema description of the table to read
in (must have been placed in the global environment before calling it
the original file from which the
boundaries emerge.
download-link of the archive.
value describing the download
date of this dataset (in YYYY-MM-DD format).
value describing the
frequency with which the dataset is updated, according to the ISO 19115
Codelist, MD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode. Possible values are: 'continual',
'daily', 'weekly', 'fortnightly', 'quarterly', 'biannually', 'annually',
'asNeeded', 'irregular', 'notPlanned', 'unknown', 'periodic',
'semimonthly', 'biennially'.
if there is already metadata
existing: link to the meta dataset.
if an existing meta dataset was
downloaded along the data: the path where it is stored locally.
optional notes.
whether or not to try to reorganise
the table with the provided schema. note: this does not save the
reogranised table into the database yet, further steps of harmonisation are
carried out by normTable
before that.
whether or not the geometry to
register shall overwrite a potentially already existing older version.
Returns a tibble of the entry that is appended to 'inv_tables.csv' in
case update = TRUE
When processing areal data tables, carry out the following steps:
Determine the main territory (such as a nation, or any
other polygon), a subset
(if applicable), the ontology
and the dataseries of the areal data and of the geometry, and
provide them as arguments to this function.
Provide a begin
and end
date for the areal data.
Run the function.
(Re)Save the table with the following properties:
Encoding: UTF-8
File name: What is provided as message by this function
make sure that the file is not modified or reshaped. This will happen during data normalisation via the schema description, which expects the original table.
Confirm that you have saved the file.
Every areal data dataseries (dSeries
) may come as a slight
permutation of a particular table arrangement. The function
expects internally a schema description (a list
that describes the position of the data components) for each data table,
which is saved as paste0("meta_", dSeries, TAB_NUMBER)
. See package
Other register functions:
# build the example database
adb_exampleDB(until = "regGeometry", path = tempdir())
# the schema description for this table
schema_madeUp <-
setIDVar(name = "al1", columns = 1) %>%
setIDVar(name = "year", columns = 2) %>%
setIDVar(name = "commodities", columns = 3) %>%
setObsVar(name = "harvested",
factor = 1, columns = 4) %>%
setObsVar(name = "production",
factor = 1, columns = 5)
regTable(nation = "Estonia",
subset = "barleyMaize",
label = "al1",
dSeries = "madeUp",
gSeries = "gadm",
begin = 1990,
end = 2017,
schema = schema_madeUp,
archive = "example_table.7z|example_table1.csv",
archiveLink = "...",
nextUpdate = "2024-10-01",
updateFrequency = "quarterly",
metadataLink = "...",
metadataPath = "my/local/path")